Stuff I Do
I’m a maintainer of a few open-source projects:
- Toolbox for Reddit, a browser extension for Reddit moderators
- The /r/anime subreddit theme
- A bunch of other miscellaneous infrastructure and administration stuff for /r/anime
I have several personal projects that are stable and useful enough for others to consider using:
- A command framework for Discord bots, called Yuuko, written for Typescript and built on Eris
- A personal set of user styles which I’ve generalized enough to be useful to others
- A set of titlebar themes for KDE Plasma for matching with specific application coloe schemes
- A collection of SSH utilities for 1Password users which I’ve blogged about in the past
- The most niche browser extension to ever exist for /r/anime users
I also have several personal projects which are not at all ready for others to use:
- Some pointless Javascript libraries
- A utility for easily generating real-time Rocket League OBS overlays from Adobe Illustrator documents for RL streamers and esports organizations
- A couple hardware projects for controlling LEDs via WiFi and experimenting with FPGAs and video capture